ASTURIAS, VOLUME I: GOOD AND GREENJORDAN YOUNG/ The first of a series of dispatches from a cider drenched week in Asturias, northern Spain// Investigating the traditional fabadas, cachopos, seafood and ferments from the forests, mountains and glistening beaches of this verdant strip along the Cantabrian sea BRITAIN’S RETROFIT CRISISDANIEL YOUNG/ With the 2050 net zero target weighing heavily on it’s shoulders, the British government is struggling to convince millions of homeowners and investors to buy into retrofitting// Is it high time the state made them an offer they can’t refuse? /LATEST CALLING A LIAR A LIARDARREN CLARKE/ Recent ‘controversies’ over unparliamentary language show how enforcing outdated speech etiquette allows ministers to manipulate the truth SIT DOWN MEAL JORDAN YOUNG/ A new food column covering politics, philosophy, food as art, cooking as craft, from farm to restaurant and the phenomenally human experience of sitting down to eat together /COLUMNS TEMPORARY INERTIAUK Politics and the illusion of permanenceDARREN CLARKE #004 THE GOOD IMMIGRANT FALLACY/ Our haste to turn immigrants who achieve great things into symbols of Britishness shows a nation undergoing an identity crisis #003 THE GB NEWS EXPERIMENT/ How the GB News experiment has opened the door to populist broadcasting in the UK #002 A MODERN DEFINITION OF CLASS/ Why Britain’s traditional class distinctions are redundant and how we can contend with their legacy COMMONWEALTHLaw, philosophy and politics in the modern ageOWEN SPARKES #002 STAMPED AND SURVEILLED/ Why we should be alarmed at the irresistible rise of covid passports #001 DELAYED AND DENIED/ How deficient legal funding is undermining access to justice SIT DOWN MEALFood and eating - back then, right now and in the futureJORDAN YOUNG THINKING, FEELINGArt & culture, with a critical mind and an open heartLUCY CARLESS read the column intro>>>> #002 INTROSPECT RISING/ The case for astrological pseudoscience as a therapeutic toolread the column intro>>>> /ESSAYS CHASING THE MOSQUITO MANDANIEL YOUNG/ Reflecting on DDT, the infamous insecticide that sparked the beginning of the environmental movement in the 1960s// In the moral panic that followed revelations of DDT’s destructive nature, was the developing world inadvertently robbed of its most powerful antimalarial? OUR BENEVOLENT OVERLORD, THE ALGORITHMJORDAN YOUNG/ Is an algorithmically constructed reality one we really want to live in?